
Analysis tool for billboards

You are now able to know in real-time how many people look at your billboard. This allows you to optimize advertisements to your audience.

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What Do We Do?

Did you see the latest advertising campaign of L’Oréal Lancôme “La vie est Belle Fragrance” starring Julia Roberts? Thousands of billboards were printed for this campaign. They were displayed all around the country, but do you know that L’Oréal has no idea what is the impact on their billboard advertising campaign.

Website advertisements are able to be tracked, but there is no method to find this data for brick and mortar billboards. ViewPrint helps to solve this problem by allowing you access such information.

At ViewPrint we are able to know how many people pass by your billboard. This data is valuable to the billboard owner, who can then adapt your prices with the audience of each billboards. We will also be able to sell the data to the brand-named companies about their marketing campaign impact.  


We sell a device with our personal software which will analyze the pedestrians who walk by your billboard. After analysis, we send the data to our servers through WIFI if available, or SMS text as a backup.


Our software is able to detect and to count how many people pass by the camera. This video shows you how it works. We are right now able to detect people. The next step is to be able to detect cars.


We provide to our customers our software embedded onto a Raspberry Pi, which will do the computations directly on site. We are currently testing to ensure the Raspberry Pi and camera module will work with our software in an efficient manner.


The billboard owners have access to data about their audience via our SaaS Software.


Our camera is easy to install. All the data processing is done on site directly on the billboard. Then the module sends the data to our server via email if there is WIFI or by text message if not. Finally billboard owners access to their datas through a dedicated website. 
On the billboards
On our servers
On the client desktop

Business Model

We rent to the billboard owners a box which contains the device in charge of capturing and analyzing the data. We also charge a monthly fee to the billboard company for access to the data via the SaaS software.
The other revenue sources come from the data we can sell directly to the brands who purchase the ad-space to let them know the impact of their billboard marketing campaigns.


Valentin Perret

HEC Paris – Business development

French Engineer, I earned a master in Chemistry & Chemical Engineering before to make a master in Business at HEC Paris. I worked for L’Oréal where I discovered that there were something to do to better understand the return of investment of the advertising campaign.

Sam Mahdad

UC Berkeley – Product development

Computer Scientist currently studying at UC Berkeley. I have created multiple side projects throughout my time at Berkeley and will be graduating May 2016. I love to problem solve, improve performance, and learn new technologies/languages that are out there.